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ORD 493 - ORD Authorizing & Directing Amendments & ADDENDA July11,1949 Contract
ORD 494 - ORD Determining the Necessity Ordering Portions of 4100 block of Byron Street and 4100 of Case street
ORD 495 - ORD Approving & Adopting Estimates Costs for Permanent Paving Improvements for 4100 Block of Byron Street
ORD 496 - ORD Appropriating $500 Improvement Bonds Series 1948
ORD 497 - ORD Finding & Determining Proceeding, Prerequiste to the Execution of the Contract for Paving and Improving 4200 & 4200 Blocks of Leigh Street
ORD 498 - ORD Approving & adopting Estimates of the Costs for Paving Improvements Portions of 4100 & 4200 of Lehigh, Darthmouth and Swarthmore Street
ORD 499 - ORD Amending ORD 111 By amending Sec 29, Sub Paragraph No 6
ORD 500 - ORD Amending ORD 111, Amending Sec 29, Sub Paragraph no.7
ORD 501 - ORD Amending ORd 111 , Src 33, Sub Paragraph No 3
ORD 502 - ORD Amending ORD 111, Sec 33, Sub Paragraph Sec 4
ORD 503 - ORD Closing & Hearing Real and True Owners of Certain Property at 4100 Block of Byron and Case Street
ORD 504 - ORD Closing & Hearing Real & True Owners with Certain Property at 4100 & 4200 Blocks of Lehigh , Darthmouth and Swarthmore Street
ORD 505 - ORD Authorizing & Installing 26 Fire Hydrants and Extended Water Mains
ORD 506 - PRD Confirming, Ratifying and approving the approporation $1500 of the Storm Sewer Fund Series 1948
ORD 507 - ORD Confirmed and Ratifying the Purchase of Certain land in WU
ORD 508 - ORD Ratfying, Confirming & approving $25000 from Water Sewer Fund & Water Replacment Fund Securities
ORD 509 - ORD Amending ORD 444 To Provide Identical water Rates Inside and Outside the Coporate Limits
ORD 510 - ORD Detremining the Necessity & authorizing the Enlarging & Widening of Certain Streets in WU
ORD 511 - ORD Amending ORD 481 and Changing 1949-1950 Budget
ORD 512 - ORD Providing & Participarion in TMRS System
ORD 513 - ORD Finding & Determing Improvments for 4100 Block Byron and Case Street
ORD 514 - ORD Improvment of Inersection of West Point Street & Case
ORD 515 - ORD Ratifying, Confirming & approving Execution of an Easement
ORD 516 - ORD Finding & determining Improvements of Leghih& Darthmouth Streets
ORD 517 - ORD Amending ORD 111, Amending Sec 4, Adding Sub-Paragraph #10
ORD 518 - ORDAppropriating $720. from City Treasury to Street Improvments Bonds Series 1948
ORD 519 - ORD Correcting Name of Certain OwnerProperty LOT 2, Block 21 College Court Place
ORD 520 - ORD Finding & Determining Improvments of Swarthmore Street
ORD 521 - ORD Finding & Determing Pratical process to Improvment portions of Dartmouth, Lehigh ans Swarthmore.
ORD 522 - ORD Fixing Taxicab Fares and Rates to be Charges in WU
ORD 523 - ORD Substitution Made to Sec 26 in the Oct 25, 1948 Contract with Brogan & william
ORd 524 - ORD Improvment to the Intersection at Academy Street
ORD 525 - ORD Amending ORD 481 and Vhanging the 1949-50 Budget
ORD 526 - ORD Granting School Transit Company,
ORD 527 - ORD Amending ORD 111 by Amending Sec29 and adding Sub-Paragraph #8
ORD 528 - ORD Amending ORD 111 by Amending Sec 17 Construction & Dwelling
ORD 529 - ORD Finding & Determining Improvemnet on Intersectiion Covered by Contract Oct25, 1948
ORD 530 - ORD Appropriating $150, Street Improvment Bond Series 1948 Paving 100 Feet by Academy Street
ORD 531 - ORD Amending ORD 111 by Amending Sec 18
ORD 532 - ORD Approving Budget for 12 Months From January 1, 1951 - December 31, 1951.
ORD 533 - ORD Levying & assessing AD Valorem Tax on Taxable Properties
ORD 534 - ORD Calling General City Election Nov 7, 1950
ORD 535 - ORD Enacting Electrical Code, Creating an Electrical Board
ORD 536 - ORD Authorizing the Issuance $139000. Refunding Bonds
ORD 537 - ORD Authorizing the Issuance $ 85000 Water Revenue Refunding Bonds
ORd 538 - ORD Employing Paul Strong to Represent the City
ORD 539 - ORD Appropriating $6000 out of Sanitary Sewer Capital & Improvment Fund $3000
ORD 540 - ORD Finding & Determinning Proceedings, Prerequisite and execution Contract
ORD 541 - ORD Amending ORD Authoring Issuance $ 85000, Water Revenue Refunding Bonds