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ORD 275 - Approving Amendment Budget
ORD 276 - Creating New Position of General SUP Maintanance
ORD 277 - Amending Ord 247
ORD 278 - amending Article 1 and article 6 of ORD 255
ORD 279 - Releasing members of the armed forces
ORD 280 -Amending ORD 247
ORD 281 - Amending ORD 247
ORD 282 - ORD Calling a Special City Election
ORD 283- ORD Approving Budget for WU Fiscal YR Sept1, 1944
ORD 284 - ORD Changing the name of Childress St to Community Dr
ORD 285 - ORD Empowering & Authorizing the Mayor Execute The General Warranty deed to The Baptist Church
ORD 286-ORD Approving Budget for Fiscal YR Sept1,1944
ORD 287 - ORD Levying and Assessing AD VValorem Tax on all Taxable Property